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Script, “We’ve Got A”:
Left Jaw:
This is a film about a problem. A problem so big, that it’s hard to think of the right title.
Middle Jaw:
Imagine a title such as "x" or "Love Birds".
Left Jaw:
The main character in this film is a person of color.
All Jaws:
Any color.
Right Jaw:
They struggle.
Middle Jaw:
They're angry.
Left Jaw:
They’re full of love.
All Jaws:
They are desperate.
Right Jaw:
Try to watch this film as if it is addressed to you. So often we watch films about a problem and we feel that they are talking to someone else.
Left Jaw:
They are not.
All Jaws:
This one is talking to you.
Middle Jaw:
Now, you may think of this film that it’s accredited because it is about a problem.
All Jaws:
Middle Jaw:
It is accredited because it is shot in a location so charged with history, culture, and pain, so torn by economic disparities, so uncertain about its future.
Left Jaw:
Often you will wonder if the filmmaker is fair to side with the people who are right.
Middle Jaw:
Just wait for the end.
Right Jaw:
The problem of the place in the film is that it is ruled by the wrong people. It’s been like that for centuries. There used to be a time when it was ruled by the right people. But corruption, money, wars,
All Jaws:
and the United States of America
Right Jaw:
caused it to slowly collapse into the poor state in which it is now.
Left Jaw:
When you are done watching this film we ask that you do not forget it as you are scrolling down your news feed.
Middle Jaw:
Instead, make sure you share your shock and sorrow online.
Left Jaw:
And tag our fan page.
Middle Jaw:
You will probably need more information, because we only provided you with what you need to reach the same conclusion as we did.
Right Jaw:
Once you find additional information,
Left Jaw:
you will find that the satisfied feeling inside of you about the film starts to fade.
Middle Jaw:
Too much information tends to inspire action,
Right Jaw:
and both you and we know that
All Jaws:
you will do nothing.
Embrace the nothing.
Left Jaw:
With our social media there is no need for action.
Right Jaw:
The gathering of bodies in public space is dated, and people are slowly beginning to realize that. What we have now are tools of mass communication and as long as you are connected to the internet you are safe.
Left Jaw:
Places that are connected to the internet do not have a problem.
The only thing that you will not like about this film is the end.
Middle Jaw:
By the time you get there, you already forgot about the love birds, and about the female character.
Left Jaw:
The views of the place that you saw are fading from your memory.
Right Jaw:
Next time you discuss this film you will talk of the problem.
Middle Jaw:
You will mention the cast and the soundtrack, and complain that it uses politics to gain international recognition.
Left Jaw:
It will occur to you that
(begin loop)
Left Jaw:
This is a film about a problem. A problem so big, that it’s hard to…