The Last Hour of Cabinet I, 2018
Manipulated Ikea Detolf cabinet vitrines
A family of 11 Ikea vitrines gather around in mourning. Based on 15th century frescos’ compositions, The Last Hour of Cabinet I puts forward questions regarding the limitation of empathy and actual consequences caused by fictional events. Related closely with the Detolf product which is featured in the video A Problem as the ground from which the protagonists operate, The Last Hour of Cabinet I allows viewers to literally experience the world through the work and its life size transparent objects.
Supported by Mifal Hapais Batarbut, Artis, The Ostrovsky Family Fund, the Tel Aviv Comittee for Special Projects and the Rabinovitch Foundation. Curator: Sally Haftel Nave
Renderings and Architectural Design: David Chaki, Fabrication: Gadi Tzahor Workshop